How can flexibility deliver more for your recruitment business? Are you taking full advantage of trends in the current workplace or is there more you can do to take your recruitment business to the next level.

Next week, The Global Recruiter is holding an online summit with Sonovate to explore how flexible finance can offer competitive advantage. Held on Tuesday 25th April 10-11am and free to log on, this session will include insights from Sonovate’s Future World of Work 2023 report, and include views and practical steps forward to enhance your recruitment business.

The future – and indeed the present – reality of work is flexibility but to a great extent this has just meant offering a flexible workforce to employers. In today’s hybrid and remote world of work, flexibility is equally important on the employee side of the equation – as a means of attracting and retaining the best talent for all your clients.

So what does flexibility really mean in today’s recruitment world? How can flexible finance be used to help facilitate workers in diverse locations, working different hours and days? How can technology and financial services key into the provision of talent recruiters need to offer and how easy is it to be flexible when there seems so little certainty in any industry sector.

Join us on Tuesday 25th April from 10am – 11am to hear the trends which will impact on the recruitment industry this year and beyond, and how you can be ready to make the most of the opportunities coming your way.


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