Recruiter Moves

CVs Lagging Time

New research from TopCV, the world’s largest CV-writing service, has found that over half (54%) of UK professionals are updating their CV less often than experts recommend.

When TopCV asked over 4,000 UK professionals how often they update their CV,  it was discovered that 28% update their CV only when actively job-seeking, 14% update it once a year and seven percent every few years. Worryingly, five percent had never updated their CV since first writing it. Whilst there is no hard and fast rule regarding how often you should update your CV, experts in the CV-writing community advise individuals to regularly edit their CV with relevant information throughout the year, even if they have no immediate plans to change jobs.

Amanda Augustine, careers expert at TopCV, commented: ‘‘Whether or not you’re actively looking for a new job, nobody wants to be rushing to shape up their CV when their dream role comes up. The more frequently you update your CV, the less of a daunting chore it becomes.”

Augustine offers the following tips to make updating your CV as painless as possible:

‘‘Timely updates such as these typically take no longer than 30 minutes, allowing you to keep your CV up-to-date before the process becomes overwhelming”, adds Augustine. “If you’d prefer to make these types of changes in batches, then dedicate time once a quarter to dust off your CV and ensure it’s still an accurate reflection of your unique qualifications and career goals”.

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